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Showing posts from October 24, 2021

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5 Questions That You May Face in Job Interview Board

 Hi everyone this video is made for those people who want to face job interview board.  Here are some most important 5 questions that you may be asked by the interview board. So it's a better idea to have a good idea on those 5 questions that are frequently asked in any job interview. Question number 1: Tell me about yourself? When you are asked to tell  something about yourself you have to be very tricky in answering this question. To have a better idea of what would be the best answer of this question I've given here some tips, so these are the tips I am giving you for your understanding. Tips: I advise you to concentrate on telling them about your work related skills but not your home life experience or ideas. The interview board is not interested to listen about your home life but they are interested to hear about your skills and education for your job. To prepare yourself about answering of this question, it is a better idea to download a copy of the person specification