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Showing posts from September 23, 2021

Video Article Preposition Phrase Clause

Kinds of Sentences English Grammar Lesson

Definition of Sentences and Kinds of Sentence: Sentences can be categorised into five categories, based on their meaning or function. They are as follows: Assertive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Imperative Sentence Optative Sentence Exclamatory Sentence What is an Assertive Sentence: An assertive sentence is a kind of sentence which expresses statement, and this is statement can be both affirmative or negative form. Pattern assertive sentence: Subject + verb + object (complement/adverb/ adjective) Example of assertive sentence: -English is an International Language. (If it is an affirmative assertive sentence) -We never hate him. (Negative) -Everybody should do his own duty. (Modal auxiliaries) What is an Interrogative Sentence: An interrogative sentence is a kind of sentence which we use to ask question recording person or thing. At the end of interrogative sentence there is always question mark (?). Interrogative sentences are of two types, one type of question is yes/no questio