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Showing posts from February 7, 2021

Video Article Preposition Phrase Clause

Article in English Grammar Series Definite Indefinite articles

This video is about Article in English Grammar Series Published from Article Doctor Maleka University College Dhanmondi Dhaka Bangladesh ডক্টর মালিকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কলেজ ধানমন্ডি ঢাকা The general rules and exceptional rules of articles: In English grammar, there are altogether three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are generally used before nouns or noun equivalents and they are a type of adjective. The definite article is 'The' and this definite article is used before a noun indicating the identity of the noun is already known to the reader. The indefinite articles are  a and an and indefinite articles are used before a noun in general or when the identity is not known to the reader. There are situation where a noun takes no article. As a rule, the following definitions of articles and table comprising of articles  summarize the basic usages of articles. It is recommended that you continue reading for a more detailed description of the rules and examples of how and when art

How to Write a Paragraph,Tips for Writing a Paragraph

How to Write a Paragraph Tips for Writing a Paragraph How to write a good paragraph: To write a good paragraph it is not an easy task. Writing a good paragraph not only includes writing ability, but also involves Idea of structure of a paragraph. To begin with, we know that there are three main elements in writing any paragraph. Three elements are, a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and last all a concluding sentence. The topic sentence of a paragraph: The first sentence of a paragraph is the topic sentence of the paragraph.  It is the beginning of the paragraph. It is the face of the paragraph. It is the appearance of the paragraph we are writing. So it is a natural and admitted matter that face must be spoken of the personality of a person. So, the opening sentence of a paragraph must tell what is inside in the paragraph. As it opens the paragraph, the topic sentence narrates the main idea of the paragraph. In other words, it shows what the whole of the paragraph is about.