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Compulsory English Situational Writing Degree Pass Honours

Compulsory English

Situational Writing


1. Suppose, you are the Principal of a college. Write a notice for the students and the teachers to warn them against the use of mobile phones in the classroom.


Office of the Principal

Doctor Maleka College

7/A Dhanmondi, Dhaka


Ref. No. DMC/18                  Date: 15 December, 2021

This is to inform my respected colleagues and dear students that the use of mobile phones during class hours is strictly forbidden henceforth as per the decision taken by the Ministry of Education.

Everyone is requested to follow this.

With thanks


Professor Mohammad Jalaluddin Miah


2. Suppose, you are the Principal of a college. The students of 1" year Degree (pass) have to fill their RIF within a week. Now, write a notice about it.


Office of the Principal

Doctor Maleka College

7/A Dhanmondi, Dhaka


No. 29/DMC/21                           Date 15/12/21

This is to inform the students of 1" year Degree (pass) that their RIF form will be filled up from 1/1/22 - 7/1/22. Every student is asked to come within this time and to fill up their RIF.

The matter is very urgent,

Professor Mohammad Jalaluddin Miah


Doctor Maleka College

3. Suppose, you are the Principal of a College. Your college will be closed on account of winter vacation.

Now write a notice about it.


Office of the Principal

Doctor Maleka College

7/A Dhanmondi, Dhaka


Ref. No. DMC/18    Date: 15 December, 2021

This is to notify all the concerned that the College will be closed from 18 December, 2021 to 30 December 2021 for winter vacation. It is referred that the normal activities in the office will continue as usual except govt. holidays. The students are asked to attend the classes from 1 January, 2022 accordingly.


Professor Mohammad Jalaluddin Miah


Doctor Maleka College

Situational Writing


What is Memoranda ?

Memoranda means the note or written statement for future use. It is an informal document used in offices for clerical communication among the employees. It sustains ideas to be remembered. The Bengali Meaning of memorandum is স্মারকলিপি বা স্মারকপত্র iIt may be called the internal letters of offices.

1. Write a memo in which the Manager of a multinational company informs a local steel supplier company to supply necessary furniture for the office.


Lata Cosmetics (Pvt.) Limited




To: Sohel Rana

C/O - Rajdhani Steel, Dhaka

Pom Abdul Hannan

The Manager

Subject: Purchase of furniture

Dear sir,

with respect, I want to inform you that the company has decided to buy some furniture from your company. The furniture includes (17 sets of sofa 5 wheel chairs, 13 desk tables, 3 almirahs and 3 steel cabinets. The company will be pleased if you send these items of furniture within 15 days. Payment will be done after getting these.

With thanks

Abdul Haman

The Manager

Lata Cometics (Pvt.) Limited. Dhaka

2. Write a memo in which the Vice-President of Z L Bank requests his employees to perform their responsibilities sincerely.

Z L Bank (Pvt.) Ltd


Ref-121/ZL/3C                              Date: 15/12/21


To: All Staffs

From: The Vice-President

Subject: Performing of responsibilities

Dear sir,

Here is an information for all the staffs of Z L Bank (Pvt.) Limited that they are requested cordially to discharge their duties sincerely. The dignity of the bank depends on the service of the employees. 

The authority hopes that this will be a leading Bank in the locality. 

Yours Sincerely,

Abdul Mohit

The Vice-President

Z L Bank (Pvt.) Ltd, Jessore

Video Compulsory English Situational Writing Degree Pass Honours

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