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Types of Phrases in English Grammar with Example

What are the Types of Phrases

English sentences are comprised of units. These units are called phrase. We are discussing what a phrase is, what the meaning of a phrase is, what the syntax of phrase is and some types of phrases that you find in English grammar such as noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase etc.

What is a Phrase

A noun phrase is made up of two or more words. It is a combination of two or more was joined together and read like one word. According to the function of a phrase it is not called a complete sentence, as it does not have any function to become a sentence rather it is a complete expression but not a complete sentence. It cannot be called a clause either because it does not have a subject and verb or the predicate.

 Now let's talk about the length of a phrase. The length of a phrase totally depends on different expressions so it is natural that some phrase may comprise of two words and others may comprise of more than two words. To illustrate my point of view, let's take an example. 'Old car' is a phrase, so is the phrase 'my old blue car.'

What are the types of phrases?

1] Noun Phrases

If a phrase contains a noun which is the name of something, some place or some person as well as it must have a modifier which is associated to the noun. This modifier can be a prefix or suffix of the noun. The whole phrase will function as a noun for that particular sentence.

Here are some examples of noun phrase.


He was buying a black cotton shirt.

They live in a huge, gorgeous building.

The black cat got cold.

2] Verb Phrases

It is impossible to write any sentence without a verb. But differ in their size. Some verbs can be a single word but some other verbs can be made up of complex words or comprising of more than one word. When the verb is made up of more than one word it is called verb phrase. The verb phrase will contain one main verb and one or more auxillary verbs or helping verbs.

Here are given Some such verb phrases as follows,

The teacher is writing the answer on the whiteboard.

They have been playing football since noon

You must call in a doctor. 

He has been working in this factory. 

3] Prepositional Phrase

A positional phrase consists of a preposition and an object of the preposition which will be a noun or a pronoun. The preposition will come first and the object will come following it. Sometimes prepositional phrase consists of other modifiers which describe the object of the prepositional phrases.

Let us have a look at some examples,

Workers are advised to be on time

He turned towards the left corner of the building.

Sometimes prepositional phrase may act as an adjective of a sentence modifying a noun. Whether it is a prepositional phrase functioning as an adjective we can determine by asking 'which one.'

For example,


Please get the phone above the cupboard. (Which phone)

The girl at the end of the line is laughing again. (Which girl)

Besides being an adjective of a sentence, a prepositional phrase may act as an adverb of a sentence. Whether it is a prepositional phrase functioning as an adverb we can determine by asking 'How? Where? Or When?'

The thief is hiding behind the building. (Where is the thief)

The man is going to mosque to say his prayer. (When is the man going?)

4] Infinitive Phrases

Infinitive phrase contains an infinitive and a simple verb. Sometimes there may have modifiers which is attached to the object in the phrase. As infinitive phrase contains a verb, so it plays the role of expressing an action. Some Infinity phrases function as a noun, some others function as an adjective, and others function as adverb.


She likes to read Tagore's short stories. (functions as a noun here)

To attend the English lecture, I started for college earlier. (noun form)

He tried to keep his friends calm, (functions as an adverb here)

5] Participle Phrases

A participle phrase starts with the participle. Participle are of two kinds present participle and past participle. When adding ING to the verb, it is called present participle. When using past participle form of a verb, it is called past participle.  Participle phrase may contain modifier which will be associated in the phrase.

It is very important to remember that a participle phrase always function as an adjective in a sentence.

 Here are given some examples of the participle phrase:


I got a call from my father today telling me a good news.

The road was severely damaged by the flood.

Please sit down without making a noise

6] Gerund Phrases

When we use ING with a verb it is called either participle phrase or gerund. But a  gerund is a phrase which is formed by using ING with a verb but it function as a noun in a sentence whereas a participle phrase function as an adjective in a sentence. This is the main difference between participle phrase and gerund though they look similar.


Let us have a look at some examples below:

She is now writing her father.

Washing the dishes is her hobby.

Waking up before sunrise will make you healthy.

7] Absolute Phrase

An absolute phrase contains a noun or a pronoun beginning with a participle. It may also contain additional words which are associated to it  and may contain modifiers. An absolute phrase modifies a whole clause, or sometimes even a whole sentence, but not only one word as in other phrases. But, it itself is not a complete sentence or a clause. Generally, we find a comma which separates the sentence from the absolute phrase.  

Let us think about few examples below:


He looked towards the winner, his face expressing glory

We were watching the T-20 match, our eyes always following Sakib Al Hasan.

He sat on the chair, his sunglasses neatly adjusted between his nose.

 Video Types of Phrases in English Grammar with Example


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