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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Fear of People a Sign of Social Anxiety Disorder

Fear of People as a Sign of Social Anxiety Disorder

Those who are suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) are too much afraid of social situations or performance situations the reason of which is that they might be embarrassed, humiliated or they might be judged negatively.

This casts a negative impact on one's personality, it is more than shyness and it deserves treatment by mental health professional. If you are fearful of just one social situation, you are a victim of social anxiety severely affecting your life.

You are sure to expose your social anxiety if you are afraid of the situations listed below.

Do you Avoid certain places or social situations?
Do you avoiding eye contact?
Do you Blush?
Do you Feel afraid that people will judge you?
Do you Feel nauseous or sick to your stomach?
Do you Feel very self-conscious?
Does your heart race?
Do your hands Shake?
Do you have shortness of breath?
Do you sweat?

This types of people are afraid of the fact that other people will notice their anxiety. This chain of fearfulness will make you more anxious about any situation.

What are the causes of of fullness?

It is hard to tell the exact reason why some people feel ashamed or develop social anxiety where is Adarsh do not feel feel the same. This situation has been researched and the finding is that probably a combination of genetic factors as well as environment  contribute to the situation.

It is not the end of the story. There is more to learn that scientist have found specific gene variations that could help them specify the cause of the disorder.

No single cause can create this kind of social anxiety, there are more causes behind this situation. Being embarrassed in front a group of people or being reprimanded in large gathering by harsh or critical parent maybe the causes of social anxiety. Underdeveloped social skills can be a factor of social anxiety.

Why You Fear Some Situations and Not Others

Each person with social anxiety disorder will have their own fears meaning that the specific social situations feared will vary from one person with the disorder to the next.

Why you are different from others while others do not fear but you fear

All the worries are not in the same degree as some worries are minor but others are major. For example speaking in public can be a sort of anxiety for some people but this is very narrow worries. But there are other anxiety which is very chronic like fearful of  most social and performance situations.

Generally speaking there are some people with social anxiety disorder feel the worst in the situations where they are the centre of attention of others or being watched by others. In this situation they feel that they are being watched by others whose attention he is under.

What's the Diagnosis of the social anxiety?

It is better to evaluate your fear of people if you think you have social anxiety. And at the same time it is better to determine if it is a reflective of mental health problem. There are some questions that can help you, if it your anxiety and decide whether you are getting benefit from treatment.
How long have you been affected by the fear of people? Did you notice any change of your behavior towards the people concerned or the fear is constant. 
What degree does the fear of people interfere with your daily work? What's there any specific incident that you dropped classes or lost you job because of this constant fear? Does the fear remain constant to your daily life?
If you notice that social situations make you feel drained but it is not the matter of particular anxiety, you can see that you are simply wired  to do anything spending more time alone.
This anxiety is very much common to women and it have impact on women at twice the rate of men. I am talking about not all the women but those women whose age is 13 and who are older in age. If the problem persists, I prefer that you talk to your physician for mental health professionals.
Find you are under supervision of your doctor, your doctor will collect your medical history, perform  a physical test, that will help your doctor rule out what the medical conditions you are under which are the key fact of your social anxiety. It may happen that you doctor may make a diagnosis of social anxiety disorder if he finds that you symptoms meet the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria regarding the condition.

What type of person are you? Are you an introverted or extroverted person? Introvert people are those who gather energy by being alone. Extrovert people are those who gain energy from being with other people. Though both the two types can have social anxiety but the introvert people can be mistaken by being socially anxious.

What are the Treatments of social anxiety?

If you think that you're symptoms are getting interfere with your daily work or they are causing you stress, it is better to work with a mental health care professional. They will give you treatment best for you including a plan which will be the right diagnosis for you.
It is true that all the people with social anxiety disorder need no medication but in some cases the disorder is treated with therapy, medication or in some cases both.
With the combination of talk therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy which is CBT in short or Acceptance and Commitment therapy which is a ACT in short, there is no better treatment accept this two.

The topmost choice of medication which is used to treat social anxiety disorder is Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

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