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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

5 Questions That You May Face in Job Interview Board

 Hi everyone this video is made for those people who want to face job interview board. 

Here are some most important 5 questions that you may be asked by the interview board. So it's a better idea to have a good idea on those 5 questions that are frequently asked in any job interview.

Question number 1: Tell me about yourself?

When you are asked to tell  something about yourself you have to be very tricky in answering this question. To have a better idea of what would be the best answer of this question I've given here some tips, so these are the tips I am giving you for your understanding.

Tips: I advise you to concentrate on telling them about your work related skills but not your home life experience or ideas. The interview board is not interested to listen about your home life but they are interested to hear about your skills and education for your job. To prepare yourself about answering of this question, it is a better idea to download a copy of the person specification which is called for the job and you must focus on telling them how you  kills match the documents. In other words you will be fully acquainted with the specification which is the key points of the job and what the necessary skills needed for the post. This specification is specially be told in your answer focusing on the skills that is asked for the job. When answering the question about Yousuf it is better to use power words in your response. The power words are the words that are are asked for the job. This power words may be used in a conversation or while you are answering to the board members. The power words include motivated, enthusiastic, loyal, flexible, committed, honest, hardworking, adaptable etc. During your conversation you may say, I am very enthusiastic, I am loyal and flexible, I am committed, I am honest, I am hardworking, I am adaptable, this sentences may be uttered in different ways and in different modes of sentences.

An example answer of the question 'Tell me about yourself' may be as quoted below.

To the best of my knowledge I know that an enthusiastic and loyal  person fully understands how important and satisfying it is to accomplish one's duty. I always try to work very seriously and by the way I try to improve my skills and qualifications. Naturally I can work to the highest satisfaction of my employer with highest standard possible. 

I strongly believe that there are two types of employees the first type of employees are those who turn up to work and they do their job so that they are able to pay their bills. The second type of employees are those who are totally committed to their job and do all they can do to help their employer achieve their goal. I am the second type of employee and I have already submitted the documents that support my statement.

I strongly believe that I have excellent communication skills that is very crucial to to be employed for customer care. I agree with you that without customer no company or business can be successful and customer care is one of the most vital services that a company or business offers. If the business is successful, I am a successful employee. Moreover I have a very good organisational skills and I can make plan for the the next week work  so that I can be sure what the things I have to perform with high standards.

I am fully conversant with the specification needed for the job and I strongly believe that I can perform the job to a higher standard and I will avail every opportunity to raise your company's goodwill. If I am offered the opportunity to work for your company, I can assure you that I will bring a great deal of experience, royalty and positive qualities to your team.

Question number 2: why do you want to work here?

Tips: to answer this question, it is better to tell them the preparation work that you have done in the build up to the interview.

Focusing on the person specification this will help us a lot. Keep in mind the job description and information that you got from the company's website and also the papers you have studied  during research.

Sample answer:

After I read the person specification and job description I feel I have the required skills, qualities and attributes to accomplish my duties to a high standard. I am also ready to face any new challenge that may arise out of my duties and I am fully prepared for this.

I have studied your company's papers in detail and I think that it will be a positive approach to work here and to carry out my duties and I also very much like the way you deliver to your customers a high standard services.

In addition I have talked to two current employees of your company who positively figured your company's outline. They are happy being with your company and they have been working for a few years and they are happy in their work. If I am successful for the post I look forward to staying with you company for a long time.

Question number 3: what are your strengths?

Tips of answer: keep in mind the person specification for the role you are applying for.

It is better to tell something difference that will make you stand out from other job applicants. Ok voice on just give an example of how and why you are better then other applicants who have applied for the same post and it is is wise to try to make yourself relatable and real.

Sample answer:

I do have many positive qualities and attributes for the post but I affirm that my key strengths are:

I am a hard working man.

I have an enthusiastic behaviour.

I welcome anything positive in every situation.

I can play a significant role in the team.

I'm eager to support you help others in the company.

I am worth depending person.

Question number 4: where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Tips of the answer:

In answering this question don't tell them that you plan to move on from there company either internally or externally. This is because loyalty is a very important matter which the vast majority of employers consider. It is worth remembering that the company is spends a lot of time money and resources to train in the role, so they want you to become loyal to the company.

Sample answer:

If I become successful today the first thing that I will do is that I will plan to do to be competent in the role as soon as possible. I'm not sure the length of time that will take to do this, however, based on my high levels of enthusiasm, I am confident that I will get trained very quickly.

As soon as I will become trained up in the role to a good standard, I would positively consolidate my skills and thus I will become experienced within the team. I strongly believe that my acceptance and respect shown by my work colleagues is vital to me. In short I want to become good at my job and be accepted by my team members and the line managers so that I can enjoy my work as much as possible.

Question number 5: what are your weaknesses?

Tips after answer: it is not wise answer to say I have no weakness, because no human beings is above weaknesses.

Be cautious in answering this question. The employer don't want to hear any negative answer for weakness regarding the requirements of the role. For example if punctuality and good time keeping habits are required for the job which is general traits asked for, never tell the interview panel that you struggle getting out of bed in the morning.

Sample answer:

I have one weakness and that weakness is my irritation while I see people don't carry out their work to a high standard.

It is because I prefer high standards and I also expect others to be high standard. I like others to do the same way the high standard demands. But I try to turn this weakness of irritation into something positive by helping others do their job accordingly and as expected. Likewise if I notice a person of the team struggling, or nor  not performing well  to the required standard, I offer to help them improve the situation. This effort from my side casts a positive impact on the organisation and the person concerned.

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