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Types of Clauses in English Grammar with examples

Types of Clauses in English Grammar with examples

Clause plays a vital role ine English grammer and it is quite impossible to form any sentence without clause because close itself is a sentence, in other words clause is consisting of a subject and a verb.. it makes a sentence easy to understand and easy to write. Moreover it improvises the quality  of a sentence. Fully understanding of clause will make it easy for any  person to write anything in a standard way.

“A clause is itself a complete meaningful sentence which is comprised of both subject and predicate”.


Subject is the part of a sentence which describes the activity of the sentence and a predicate is one that tells about the subject.


She eats

He laughes

Rashid paints

Mazed plays football

Nurunnahar cooks deliciously.

I waited for the train, but it didn’t come.

Very important method to notice is that must have a subject and at least a verb. If there is no subject  and no verb, there is no clause at all. Looking at the classification of causes will make our discussion clear.

Types of clauses that we have in English grammar. The main types of clauses are listed below.

1. Independent clause or main clause or principal clause

2. Co-ordinate clause

3. Subordinate clause or dependent clause

Subordinate clause are classified into three main clauses.

1 Adjective clause

2. Noun clause

3. Adverb clause

Now let's discuss about all the types of clauses.

1. Independent Clauses

Clauses that are independent in their nature and not influenced by any other causes or sentences is called Independent clause. They have their position in the sentence without being influenced by other clause and they satisfy the basic clause condition. They can also be called main clause or principal clause.


I play in the field

In the field, I play

If we closely notice the sentences above one thing that is very clear to us is that irrespective of the the remaining part of a sentence the clause "I play" Is itself meaningful and completes the sentence and not dependent on other clause to complete its meaning. If we do not write "in the field" or "field", "I play" is completely meaningful. Some more examples are given below.

She is a good singer.

I like gardening.

He watched the full episode.

2. Coordinate clause

Two main clauses are connected with each other by a coordinating conjunction, in other words,  two independent clauses are connected by coordinating conjunction and this whole sentence is called a co-ordinate clause.

 The following are given all the coordinating conjunctions:








3. Dependent Clauses

Dependent clauses naturally depend on other clauses that's why it's name is dependent. For the completion of the meaning of the sentence, it has to depend on other clause. To complete the meaning of dependent clause it needs to  depend on other clause, and that cause is called dependent clause. The dependent clause has other name and it is also called subordinate clause.

EXAMPLE of dependent clause.

While I was returning from Dhaka, I met with an accident.

I guessed that she couldn’t pass in the examination.

He purchased a yellow shirt which was very nice.

Because he loves music, he brought a set of sound boxes..

Types of Dependent Clauses  or Subordinate Clauses

Now under dependent clauses, there are three main types of clauses that are the most important and crucial part of clauses, they are not limited but there are other kinds of dependent clause but mainly three types of dependent clauses are given below.

1. Adjective Clauses

2. Noun Clause

3. Adverbial Clauses

1. Adjective Clauses

Adjective clause is an adjective according to the function of the cause. This clause will describe the subject or a noun or a pronoun. One important matter here is that as it is a dependent clause, it has no independent meaning.


The man who won the lottery 2 years ago committed suicide.

Rashida owns the car that has a blue colored nameplate.

2. Noun Clauses

Noun Clause is a noun according to the function of the clause. This noun clause can be placed in the position of subject or object. The whole clause will be meant as a noun. The words that has beginning of the clause are 'which' 'that'


What I have said is completely wrong.

I love the way in which Tina paints.

5. Adverbial Clauses

This type of clause needs good attention from The reader because it can be confused with an adverb and an adjective. We know that an adjective is kind of word or clause which describes a noun or pronoun in a sentence. Whereas an adverb is a kind of word or clause which describes an adjective or adverb. Show an adverb clause will be that kind of clause which describes the adjective or verb in the sentence. This clause may describe the time, or place or manner in a sentence.


Stay in the waiting room until I return.

I do not know where he went.

These are in short the classification of clauses in English grammar. Practicing over clauses and using the different types of clauses in sentence will make a person perfect in using them.

Video Types of Clauses in English Grammar with examples

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