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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Writing a speech as a candidate of Mayor

 Assalamu alaikum,

I am a Mayor candidate of Dhaka South City corporation

My dear Dhaka South City Corporation voters. You know that the Mayor election of Dhaka South City corporation is very near.  I am a candidate of Mayor in  the upcoming election First of all let me introduce myself-I am Zahid Hassan, son of Rashid ul Hassan who was also former Mayor of Dhaka City corporation. I am a father of two sons and one daughter. I want to dedicate myself as a Mayor to serve you in all situations.

My experience, dedication and skills

My experience dedication and skill really fit myself as a Mayor of this area. I was born here, was educated here, and I am doing business here. I have setup many educational institutions - Mosques, Madras in this area. I have built up one hundred houses for the homeless people. I have provided jobs for hundreds of people in my farm. For girls education, I have set up girls School. I have organised a campaign for corruption free Dhaka city. I have 5000 volunteers working for corruption free Dhaka city. To prevent covid-19 pandemic, I have distributed 50000 face mask among people in this area. I have distributed 10,000 hand sanitizer to many institutions. I know how to make Dhaka city clean. My dream is to make our Dhaka city the best city in Asia. 

My plans for the development of the area including health, education, environment and communication issues if elected

If I am elected as a mayor of Dhaka city corporation (south), first of all, I will make this city clean. I will make my Dhaka city free of mosquito. There will be no Dengue, no Chikungunya etc. I will evaluate your ideas, comments so that we can build a Dhaka city together. You know, alone I cannot make my Dhaka city better unless you you help me. I will build more educational institutions and in every institution, I will give free digital classroom facilities and equipments. I will ensure pure drinking water and safe sanitation system for all people of this area. Drainage system of Dhaka city will be improved so that water clogging does not occur. Footpaths will be cleared off Hawkers  for the people to walk through freely. I will increase public bus for students and job holders. I will ensure fast internet speed all over Dhaka City for all classes of people. I will provide jobs for beggars and vagabonds and thus make Dhaka city free of beggars.

Some arguments in favour of my candidature

I will make that possible what was quiet impossible for the former Mayors of Dhaka city. Let me have a chance. I have a dream of new Dhaka city where people will live peacefully. I will sleep peacefully when my people of Dhaka city will sleep peacefully. The discomfort of my people is the discomfort of myself. My dream is to make my people happy.

Closing statements requesting the readers to elect me

Last of all, it is your judgement whether you elect me Mayor or not. But I can guarantee that if I am elected Mayor by your votes, all necessary steps will be taken immediately to solve any problem and to ensure a happy Dhaka South City. May Allah bless you.

N.B- You need not to write the headings in your assignment paper, write only the paragraphs one after another without the headings.

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