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Juvenile Delinquency

English Assignment 3rd Week Changed New, Paragraph on Juvenile Delinquency

 ডক্টর মালিকা কলেজ, ঢাকা

Paragraph on

Juvenile Delinquency

Anybody who is under 18 years of age is called a juvenile or a minor or a child. Delinquency is moral degradation, so Juvenile Delinquency is the participation by a minor child, usually between the ages of 10 and 17, in illegal behavior or activities. Juvenile delinquency occurs when a minor violates a criminal law. When a juvenile commits a crime, the procedures that take place differ from those of an adult offender and as punishment he/she is kept in reformatory. Some major changes are detected in their behavior likely abnormal or slow development of basic skills, such as speech and language, chronic violation of the rules, serious aggressive behavior toward other students, teachers and parents, sexual behavior, drug use, gang involvement. How teenagers are being involved in delinquency can be many. The social, political, and environmental factors that strongly influence teen criminal behavior. They must be understood first in order to fight against it. The main cause to juvenile crimes include fellow friends pressure, poor education, poor socioeconomic status, family abuse, and neglectful parents. Juvenile delinquency not only affects the victims of the delinquents, but it also affects the juvenile delinquents themselves, their family, and even the society as a whole. Juvenile delinquent in a family can potentially create instability for other members of the family. The family become anxious. Prevention of juvenile delinquency saves their families, and the public. Prevention services are offered by a number of government and private agencies, and include such services as: Substance Abuse Treatment, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling, Parenting Education, Family Planning Services.

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