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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

English Literature Language Honours 1st Year Developing Writing Skills

 English Literature Language Honours 1st Year Developing Writing Skills Suggestion Answers

One of the best ways how to write effectively English composition it is recommended that you write Every Day

It is needless to say that to master in writing anything in English it is best way that you write everyday on any topic you like.

There are many blocks and writing platform on which you can write on the various topics presenting your ideas and your thoughts to help others understand the topic you are writing about.

If you write anything online it will help the online content readers and at the same time it will help you develop writing skills and it will help you get there for experience in writing for online. It will help you both toys just like killing two birds with one store.

This will undoubtedly help you improve your overall writing skills and you will become a perfect writer.

It is needless to say that there are other ways to improve your writing skills. Other ways include writing everyday in the social media as posts. If you have Twitter account or Facebook account, I recommend that you utilise the accounts by writing everyday two or three sentences so that readers can be attracted to your thoughts and ideas and at the same time the practice will give you more experience in writing anything in English. These are the copywriting techniques and it will give you more credit for words and sentences that you write in the social media as posts.

The second way how to improve your English writing skills is to create an outline

This is one of the best ways to improve your writing skill. This technique is true outline of the topic you are writing about. This is especially true if you are writing as  for a freelance writing job.

People who hire you want that you write a coherent and complete course having an outline and this can help you make sure you include everything in your clients' requirement.

To write anything for freelance writing job, you will be required to think office sub topics and other ideas that will be developed in your writing. In this process you will find that you youself are becoming an expert writing and developing your writing skills and writing process.

Tatha process that I want to recommend to you is that you read what you want to write about

Every first you will agree with me that without having read lot of passages and compositions of the same ideas, it is sometimes difficult to develop new ideas and thoughts depending on the topic. That's why I recommend you to read more about what you are writing.

But their remains a question why you are required to read more about the same topics. Yes, there is one answer, the answer is that the bloggers and writers and marketers are writing necessarily having the same experience and skills that will be familiar to you and you can also be that kind of expert writers who write on blogs.

You will be familiar with words in sentences that are written for online audience. These words and sentences will help you develop your own writing skills.

The fourth technique is to Choose Simple Words

It is always talked about the choice of words while writing topics in English. Choose those words which are very simple and understandable for the general public and readers for audience. If you think that if you use complex words and very rare words, you writing will be classified as a very profound and standard English, but it is not the case in proper sense. Online audience and readers like simple words and the words they can understand without any thinking.

If you are for academic purposes or for colleges and universities that is different,  but writing for general people on general deals for online content, it is best practice that you write simple words and Simple sentences so that readers can understand easily.

The fifth technique is to convey your message easily

Unless and until you convey your messages to your readers through platforms like blogs or newspapers or anything like that social media, it is best practice that you convey it easily and effectively. It is a best practice that you learn how to convey your message from you client easily into writing. This means that you are not becoming too much wordy to describe something but rather you will shorten description requiring the ideas. It sometimes may be difficult to hold the rein you are writing on. But you need to suppress your emotions sometimes so that your writing does not become too much wordy.

Video English Literature Language Honours 1st Year Developing Writing Skills

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