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What is an adverb classification of adverbs


English Grammar Series Doctor Maleka University College, ডক্টর মালিকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কলেজ। 

What is an adverb, classification of adverbs, how adverbs are formed, what is the different positions, adverbs are placed.

Adverbs tell something more of verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. Because verbs are integral parts of our everyday used language without which we cannot Express any sentence, their modifiers are also layered. To begin with, there are altogether five kinds of adverbs we must be acquainted with. And they are: adverb of degree, adverb of frequency, adverb of manner, adverb of place, and adverb of time. Let's begin with all the the categories of adverbs and have a deep look at this.

Adverbs of Manner:

Adverb of manner tells us how and in some cases in what manner, something happened. They in most cases modify verbs and they can be found at the end of a clause. Sometimes they may be found right before the word which they modify. This kind of adverb includes the most common adverbs. They end in -ly.

Adverbs of Degree:

Adverb of degree tells us more about the intensity of the verb situated in the sentence. This kind of adverb describes how much, what degree, something happened or happens or will happen. Adverbs of degree are often placed before the word which they modify. Although in some cases, they may follow the word.

Adverbs of Frequency:

Adverb of frequency tells us how often something occurs. These adverbs in most of the cases appear right before the main verb of the sentence or sometimes at the end of a clause. Popular adverbs in this category include:

Adverbs of Place:

Adverb of place tells us more about where the verb took place or text place or will take place. Many people get confused with prepositions describing the location of nouns. This words can function as prepositions, but they are considered adverbs when they modify verbs. Moreover, prepositions are followed by objects, but adverbs of place are not followed by an object.

Adverbs of Time:

Adverb of time details the time the verb took place or takes place or will take place. We generally find these kinds of adverbs at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. Although there are many prepositions which can also indicate when something happens, and they are always followed by objects, so it is easy for us to tell when a word is an adverb.

Thank you

Shameem Sarwar

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