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Verb Classification - English Grammar Series

Verb Classification

English Grammar Series- Doctor Maleka University College Dhanmondi Dhaka

Classification of Verbs :

A verb is an action word. It is a kind of parts of speech which expresses an action doing generally by a person.Most verbs ine English grammer express an action. Where is there are some other verbs which however, merely express state or condition.


1. We worked for joy.

2. Rabbits live into the sides of hills.

3. As far as I can I assure you, I will never forget you.
4. This bag belongs to my sister.

Now let's talk about verb phrase - a verb-phrase is a group of words that used as a verb in a sentence.

1. The birds are returning to the their nest.

2. The computer has been Switched off.

There are certain kinds of verbs, which are called auxiliary or helping verbs, when used to make verb-phrases, the reason why they are so called is that they help other verbs in the sentence to express action or state or some particular expression.

Here are given a short list of auxiliary verbs and they are: am,is, are, was, were, may, can, must, might, shall, will, could, would, should, have, had, do, did.

1. I am writing a letter to my mother.
2. We must go to the examination hall.
3. You will fall if you are not cautious.
4. He has given me some flowers.
5. We had failed in the examination.
6. I do remember him.

It is not always the case that the phrasal verb are placed side by side with the auxiliary verb rather they even may be separated by any other word in the sentence.

1. I have always missed him.
2. I shall soon call for you.
3. Robina was completely estranged.
4. He has hardly ever known to me.

There are two types of verbs which may be transitive or intransitive verbs. 
A substantive completing the meaning of a transitive verb is called direct object of the verb which is a substantive for.
Below are given sentences which have the first four verbs as transitive with objects, the last five of the given sentences are intransitive without objects.
1. Lightning frightened the boy.
2. Snow covered the valley.
3. The man excavated the soil. 
4. The student answered the question correctly.
5. Look what he wears!
6. The thief escaped.
7. The colour of the sky died away.
8. The number of words differ in a paragraph.

A verb cannot be the transitive in all the cases in its literary meaning, it may also be intransitive depending on the requirement of the sentence. The hue of the verb will be changed only when there is an object or there is no object. If the bar has an object then it is a Transitive (with Object) if there is no object it is an Intransitive (without Object)
The verb 'fly' functions here two jobs, the first sentence is transitive verb and the second sentence is intransitive verb. Boys fly kites. ……Birds fly.
The storm sank the ship. ……The ship sank.
I closed the doors. ……The college closed yesterday.
Mamoon tore his handkerchief. ……The cotton handkerchief tore easily.

There are Many transitive verbs which may be used absolutely ine meaning that is… it merely expresses action without any mention of the direct object.
The horses drank water -Transitive Verb with Object expressed.
The horses drank from the brook -Transitive Verb used absolutely

There is a difference between a transitive verb when used absolutely and a real intransitive verb. If it is transitive verb when used absolutely  we can always add an object. But when it is a real transitive verb, no object is possible.

When Some verbs are followed by a substantive indicating that which receives the action. These kinds of verbs are called transitive verbs. Except the transitive verbs, all other verbs are called intransitive.

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