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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

How to fill in the blanks with correct form of Verbs Tips with Example

How to fill in the blanks with correct form of Verbs

Changing of sentences. 

How to transform direct speech into Indirect speech 

This video is published from Dr Maleka University College Dhanmondi Dhaka. 

How to fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs

In order to fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs students have to you have a very good idea of action of time and subject verb agreement. Correct form of verbs for right form of verbs is a grammatical item that a student have to attempt in their answer sheet for HSC examination. Sentences are given in a very simple structure but there is a missing verb or a verb will be in the bracket, in order to gift a student it the ability of supplying suitable are in the the corresponding bracket are blanks. The way a student can attempt this answer is that he must have a good command over verbs, thier conjugation, all the 12 tenses. It is not sufficient to have a good idea of all the 12 tenses but their passive form of the the verbs and tenses. The sentence itself expresses the time, there will be some clue to the time of action of the sentence. Suppose there is a word yesterday, so students have to think about past tense of action.

How to transform direct speech into indirect speech narration.

In order to transform any direct speech into indirect speech, a student have to think of the mood of the sentence and speaker and listener. First of all in doing transform of sentence from direct speech to indirect speech, it is necessary to find out the speaker of the speech and listener of the speech or audience of that speech. After it is done, she has to go forward. The next step is to add that if the sentence is a statement, if or whether if the sentence is an interrogative sentence, or infinitive phrase if the sentence is imperative sentence. So it is clear that depending on the the mood of the speech a student has to add a sentence connector before commencing the main speech.

The next step is to transform the direct speech which is is situated in the inverted commas, and to make the sentence as a statement. Some major changes must be made in the indirect speech, like verb and time. If the reported speech is in the present tense, the indirect speech sentence will be in the past tense, if the direct speech sentence is in the past tense, the indirect speech sentence will be in the past perfect tense, and if the direct speech sentence is in the past perfect tense, the indirect speech sentence will undergo no change.

Now about Parsons which have to be changed according to the speaker and audience. If the person in the inverted commas is first person, it will be changed into speaker of the speech, and if the parson in the inverted commas is second person, it will be changed into audience or listener of the speech, and if the person in the inverted commas is in the third person, there will be no change of third person in the indirect speech.

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